Opportunity Management


Our opportunity management functionality allows you to implement sales methodologies that help guide your sales reps through predefined steps to the final sale.

It provides opportunity tracking so you'll always know the details for each prospective sale, and allows you to review forecasts in real-time with detailed reports, dashboards and lists.

INDSAC-CRM gives you complete visibility into your pipeline so you can ensure your forecasting is accurate and identify where the best opportunities lie.

What is opportunity management?

Every business generates leads. However, leads don't bring in revenue, deals do. You generate leads, nurture them, and convert them when they show an interest in purchasing your products or service.

The stage between identifying a lead and closing or losing a deal is your "opportunity".

Your sales team likely puts a substantial amount of effort into interacting with the right people, involving stakeholders, making presentations, and showcasing demos to help them make that purchasing decision.


Complete Visibility of Your Opportunities

Improve Your Win Rates

Implement sales methodologies and guide reps through predefined steps so important stages are never missed and opportunities continue progressing through your pipeline.

Manage Your Pipeline

ales and management reports and dashboards provide access to data and analytics, including an opportunity funnel, sales reports, key performance indicators, and pending activities.

Expose Hot Opportunities

With more information at your fingertips, you can uncover the best opportunities and focus resources where they matter most.


Capture opportunities easily without creating duplicates

Auto-capture and map all the different opportunities associated with one contact, no matter how many different channels of inquiry including online and phone channel, manual bulk upload, or individual opportunity addition without creating duplicate contacts.


More Accurate Forecasting

Build reliable and accurate sales forecasts with INDSAC-CRM opportunity management. Our sales dashboards and reports give you a view into exactly what is happening in your pipeline, so you can identify the details of every opportunity and ensure your forecasts are always accurate and up-to-date.

Boost Productivity

INDSAC-CRM opportunity management also delivers a major boost in productivity. Rather than having your reps spend their time compiling the details for all their deals, management can generate an up-to-date opportunity forecast with just a few clicks of the mouse. You can also quickly generate quotes and maintain a detailed quote history for each opportunity.


Ensure high team productivity with opportunity smart views

Smart views allow teams to prioritize their opportunities and concentrate on the most important tasks first. They'd know exactly which opportunities to handle next, view all their tasks and follow-ups in a clean view, and make prospect interactions fast and relevant.